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.... we went to Greek class. As we sat down for our quiz, the fire alarm went off. We grabbed our most important stuff, and piled outdoors. We finished the quiz outside, a good distance from the building. Nathan said he wished he left his geometry book inside in case the building was on fire. By the time we finished the quiz, the alarm had stopped. We all went back in and continued class as normal.

While the Mom's were talking [instead of leaving =)] me and Nathan talked about some movie concepts. He wanted me to be the Comic Relief, so on the way home I made up some puns and humorous equivocation. I'm thinking about making a tutorial on how to write Comic Relief...

Around 10:00 last night, we went into our garage to check on our chicks. One of them had a broken leg or something, and it couldn't walk. All the other chicks were pecking at it. We put it in a separate box [lined with newspapers and wood chips] and gave it its own food/water supply. This morning, it was just a tad bit better.


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