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comic relief,
My friend and I are going to make [or at least start making] a movie where I star as the comic relief. So I needed to write up some lines, and then punch them [get it? punchlines?] before we visit next. I came up with a few ways to do that. Lets list a few [I say "lets", but I'm doing all the work]:
- Equivocation: You use the same word two times, each time meaning separate things.
If, of all the animals, man is the only rational being, then that means women are irrational - Sayings that are warped in a way that is applicable.Concerning Penguins: Birds without feathers flock together
- Mishearing/Misinterpreting One character says something, and the other character responds as if the first character said something that sounds like what he really said.Mr. A: You are loquacious [lo-kwa-shus]Mr. B: On the contrary, I'm very cautious!
- Taking Literally: This is probably my favorite; I'm definitely the best at this. When one character says something, the other takes him literally.Mr. A: Where on earth have you been???Mr. B: At Latitude 40.68952 and Longitude -74.04444
By the way, Latitude 40.68952 and Longitude -74.04444 is the statue of liberty.
So hopefully, with these in mind, you can write funny one-liners/dialog.
I don't want to get involved with any copyright infringement or whatever, so I'm going to say that equivocation joke was from The Fallacy Detective. The rest are made up by me.