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Blender Tutorial Compilation

Finally getting tired of searching google and youtube for useful Blender tutorials, Adam Gaskins creates an online Blender Tutorial Compilation. Anybody can access it and suggest/create tutorials for it.

Complete with a mailing list for the most popular/best tutorials!

As of now, I only have like 20 some tutorials. So any suggestions are readily accepted!

The basic guidelines for tutorials are:

  • Audio voiceover: Unless the tutorial is very good, it won't be accepted without a useful audio voiceover. This is mainly what makes or breaks a tutorial.
  • Straightforwardness: An annoying thing with some tutorials, is they aren't straightforward; they're wobbly backwards. Make your tutorials as easy to understand as possible. Walk yourself through your tutorial before you record it. This also can make or break a tutorial
  • Good Quality: This isn't a requirement, but if you have a 320x480 resolution tutorial, it most likely won't be accepted.
If a tutorial meets the first two requirements, and the last one more or less, then it will most likely be added on the site.


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